Star Trek Online: Call of Valor

A Star Trek Online Fan-fiction.

Trying to get back to myself and my writing

It’s been… ages since I last posted here. Life’s been… well, life. But it’s 2020; a new decade, so trying hard to make a new start again and get back to basics. I need to start flexing my brain again, so I’ll be working harder at my writing, starting with what I know well – Star Trek.


Jase and the crew in-game (Star Trek Online) have been through a lot of life and changes too. BOffs have come and gone, I’ve tried out more ships, but this story keeps coming back to my mind. So I think I should make an effort to actually finish it properly, even if that takes me all year. Or more than a year.

My goal is to write something for this novel once every week to two weeks. I don’t plan to publish traditionally or even self publish as an ebook on Amazon or whatever, as Star Trek is copyrighted so I can’t make money off this story directly. But any constructive critiques and comments are always welcome. Note I said constructive ones. Attacks and insults will simply be deleted, even if supposedly intended to be helpful.

January 24, 2020 - Posted by | Geekgasm

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